The Effect of Information About Local Demand for Redistribution on Support for Territorial Transfers Among Affluent Groups

What do Brazilians Think about the Federation? Centralization and Trust after 2013


hdpGLM: An R package to Estimate Heterogeneous Effects in Generalized Linear Models using Hierarchical Dirichlet Process

The Effect of Party Identification and Party Cues on Populist Attitudes

In recent years, a wave of populist leaders has emerged in many democratic countries, including the United States. Previous studies have argued that populist rhetoric matters for leaders’ electoral support because the public has populist attitudes, …

Education, Belief Structures, Support for Welfare Policies, and Vote

This paper investigates how education affects 1) the structure of beliefs toward social policies, defined as the correlation between attitudes in areas such as education, health, income redistribution, and social security, and 2) the relationship …

Material Heuristics and Attitudes Toward Redistribution

According to the material-heuristics hypothesis, people’s socioeconomic position affects their perceptions about the socioeconomic environment, including how society distributes opportunities and rewards and to what extent people are responsible for …

Perceptions, Resentment, Economic Distress, and Support for Right-Wing Populist Parties in Europe

Research has demonstrated that resentful emotions toward the politics and perceptions of being culturally and economically threatened by immigration increase support for populist parties in some European countries, and that macro-level economic …

Public Perception of the Importance of State Governments in Brazil

CESER: An R Package to Compute Cluster Estimated Standard Errors

This paper presents an implementation in R of the Cluster Estimated Standard Errors (CESE). The method estimates the covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients of linear models in grouped data sets with correlation among observations within …

Modeling Context-dependent Latent Effect Heterogeneity

Classical generalized linear models assume that marginal effects are homogeneous in the population given the observed covariates. Researchers can never be sure a priori if that assumption is adequate. Recent literature in statistics and political …